Rabu, 25 Maret 2009

MLM Leads - Plant These Prospect Magnets to Attract Fresh MLM Leads to Your Business

There are many ways to get MLM leads. What most of us have been trained on in our MLM business is to buy a batch of MLM leads, and call them time and time again until they pick up the phone. Once these leads respond, it is our duty to follow up with them diligently.

The problem with calling MLM leads is that it is not only very expensive but an extremely time-consuming way to build your MLM business. In addition, whether these leads are 'real-time' or not, many times you will be treated like a tele-marketer, as you are coming from a point of need when calling these prospects.

If we want to be leaders, we must appear as leaders throughout the entire marketing process. What this means is that we need to create our own prospect magnets online that will give us our own free leads, where we are the only ones who have access to these prospects.

The first step is to get yourself an account with Aweber. This will allow you to create an opt-in box, in which prospects who find you through your lead-magnets will be able to fill out their name and email so that you can contact them in the future. This is a great way for you to keep in touch with your MLM leads, offer the opportunity to work with you, and perhaps even sell them products.

The second step is to create your MLM lead magnets. The way you do this is to create valuable content that will leave your prospects looking for more of the information that you have to offer. You can do this through videos, articles, forum posts, blogs, and ezine newsletters. Once your prospects have read or watched your valuable content, they will click on a link that you offer which will lead them to your aweber form. From there on you have access to their emails so you can continue to market your opportunity and your products to these leads.

The third step is to continue to generate more MLM leads through this process. Ultimately, you want thousands of people in your pipeline, which will guarantee that you meet the most qualified prospects. When it comes to MLM leads through lead magnets, quality is important, but what is more important is the amount that we apply this strategy. The higher amount of quantity of lead magnets that we create on the net, the more leads that we will generate. So, get creating your content, and throw away your names list of unqualified prospects.

Do not forget to click on the link in the resource box below. You'll find a video interview that outlines the 7 fatal mistakes of a network marketer, so you know exactly what to avoid.

Tania is a Network Marketer Who Matched and Exceeded Her Weekly Salary of $1,053 as a High-School Teacher by Taking Her Business Online. "Want a Step by Step Approach to Explode your MLM Business by leveraging Your Skills with the Power of the Internet So You Can Do the Same?" Free Report Explains all: http://www.OnlineMLMTeacher.com/mistakes-of-a-network-marketer.html

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tania_Mesar

By Tania Mesar Platinum Quality Author

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