Senin, 16 Maret 2009

How to Get Rid of Vaginal Odor! Proven Sure Shot Ways to Get Rid of Vaginal Odor in Hours

Several women experience unpleasant vaginal odor at some point in their life. It can be very embarrassing leaving you conscious about it all the time. People do notice it especially women colleagues and friends. Such vaginal odor needs to be handled as it becomes noticeable. The reason of vaginal odor can be vaginal bacteria or any other infection. Improper hygiene can also lead to stinky smells.

Many women constantly wash their vagina in order to get rid of the odor. However, this is not the solution and can aggravate the problem. Here are 4 quick ways to get rid of vaginal odor.

Always wear cotton panties. Cotton material allows fresh air inside and prevents bacteria from breeding rapidly. Synthetic panties do not let in air thus making the area damp and warm. This is the perfect environment for bacteria to grow rapidly and make the odor strong.

If you have a sweat problem and find your vagina smelling most of the time then you must go in for thin panty pads. These thin panty pads absorb the smell and keep you fresh all day long. They are easy to wear and can be changed several times throughout the day.

The fishy odor can also be the outcome of a sexual act. This odor will normally come when you have changed your partner. Always make it a point to wash your vagina after making love to remove the remnants of body fluids from within.

It is hygienic to change your sanitary pads frequently may be after every 4 to 5 hours. Keeping the same pad for longer durations can lead to the development of bacteria and vaginal fungus, thus giving birth to odor.

Vaginal odor is a common problem that most women face today. It can be especially embarrassing if you are working women. Always maintain hygiene and wear clean panties. Be cautious about any vaginal infections, and if the smell continues for long seek an appointment with your gynecologist.

Now Pay Close Attention Here- There is a proven all natural technique which will help you get rid of that fishy vaginal odor or yeast infection in under 12 hours. If you have been desperately looking around for a cure to yeast infection or vaginal odor then this is the most important message you will ever read- Click Here

Article Source:

By Rahul Talwar Platinum Quality Author

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