Kamis, 19 Februari 2009

What Should You Blog About? Advice on Blogging

By Maclauren Zuiderduin

So what do you blog about? Many folks end up getting this writers block mentality when it comes to choosing a topic or just trying to brainstorm about what to blog about. If you are not sure what to blog about, then you can get some ideas by merely doing a bit of research and educating yourself about some of the benefits to blogging and finding out what other folks enjoy blogging about.

Some folks find themselves asking the question of what exactly IS a blog? It is not a new term but it is one that is gaining momentum and popularity quickly. Very simply, a blog is like a journal of your opinions and thoughts or ideas. Technically it's a website that has your journal entries or better known as your "blog" entry. These are simply just posts that you leave in a chronological order that cascades down from the most recent to the oldest. The popularity of of blogging is increasing everyday and at a very fast pace.

For the most part it's a way of getting your opinion and ideas out to the world and sharing those with fellow readers that can leave comments on your blogs allowing you to interact with others on the Internet. In short, you can talk about really anything, and many people do. Topics range from their crappy job to their pets and family members.

People blog about their personal opinions of current events and international affairs. It's very similar to keeping a journal but think of it more of a diary that you leave open for the world to read. They are filled with all the personal aspirations and thoughts from a persons mind and sometimes run around very randomly

Many people have the hobby of reading these blogs while others take up blogging as a hobby and enjoy posting their thoughts and feelings for others to read. In a nut shell, you can let your imagination run rampant and write just about anything your hearts desire. It's really a form of personal expression and can be about how you feel which provides a therapeutic output for some bloggers.

Blogs can be used as a fabulous marketing tool such as I use them for, and can make a residual income if you choose to blog for these purposes. People that wish to make their footprint and in some way touch another persons life with their own experiences or stories often blog daily. You can use a blog for anything and the sky's the limit.

Talk about your political or religious views. Blog about your job, your daily commute or your relationship success and failures. Blog about cooking and share recipes in your blog. You can blog about your hobby or your business. Overall, blog about ANYTHING!

I hope this helps with the writers block and gives you a fresh inside look at what to blog about. The ideas and topics are literally endless and to be honest you could come up with enough topics in 5 minutes that would keep you blogging for years to come.

Happy blogging!

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