Rabu, 25 Februari 2009

How to Eat Fresh Lobster

By Bob Current Platinum Quality Author

So you've gotten through cooking your own Lobster, or you've been invited to a lobster cookout.

Now you're sitting there suddenly wondering how to get at the succulent meat everyone has been telling you about hidden inside the shell.

Here are the steps to follow:

  • Make sure to tie on a bib or towel, this can be messy business.
  • Start by twisting off the front claws at the first joint next to the body.
  • Crack open the claw and claw legs with a cracker or mallet. Depending on how it was cooked there may be a lot of juice so be careful.
  • Use a pick(long skinny fork usually provided) to scoop every juicy morsel from the claws
  • Once you're finished with the claws roll the rest over onto its back and uncurl its tail.
  • With the tail uncured, grasp the body in one hand and the tail in the other. Split these apart in one decisive twist.
  • You might see some green stuff, scrape or wash it away, it is the liver.
  • Break off the little flippers from the tail, these will have meat inside, even if it is a small amount.
  • Insert your thumb into the flipper end of the tail. You should be able to slide the meat right out. If you have a problem you can use a sharp knife to cut along the bottom of the tail, then wedge the shell open.
  • There will be a dark vein like tube that runs the length of the tail meat and should be discarded.
  • Finally, gently twist each remaining leg off the body. These also have small but delicious bits of meat.
  • The meat is hard to get to but try biting or crushing the leg a little, dip into your melted butter, then suck the meat out.

That's all there is to it. Now you can eat Lobster like a pro.

Bob Current writes about a variety of subjects including cooking fresh Maine Lobster. You can get more information and learn where to get live Lobster at http://www.cookinglobster.info

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